Friday, January 8, 2010

Anxiety, Sleeplessness, Memory Loss, Oh My!

So a few weeks ago my psychiatrist told me I have mild PTSD. I had read somewhere in all of my research about cancer that sometimes survivors get PTSD, but I don't think I really took note of the symptoms.

Intimacy Issues
Memory Loss/Cognitive Dysfunction
And the list goes on....

Oh those look mighty familiar. Through my weekly therapy sessions, I would say that I have encountered some of each of those. Ugh. So cancer is the gift (hardy har har) that keeps on giving!

The effectiveness of our memory banks is determined not by the total number of facts we take in, but the number we wish to reject. ~Jon Wynne-Tyson

Apparently, memory loss, the inability to "think straight," the feeling that one is lost in a fog -- these are the most salient features of PTSD, the most common complaints. I've been saying for months that I feel like my brain is a hard drive that needs to be defragged. I am sometimes unable to locate information in my brain. I know that I know it... I just don't know where I put it in my brain. No wonder the past year and a half are but a blurrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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